KOKOPELLI – a strange bird
An interactive participatory music theater with puppetry for children
Suitable for children from 4 to 10 years and as a family program.
“Hey, what’s this? I really don't need anyone detuning my strings here!" Christian Heim, viol player of the ensemble La Ninfea, exclaims indignantly to a very exotic bird after it simply turned the pegs of his viol... The musicians had intended to rehearse in peace and quiet for their next concert, but this bird brings all manner of disruptions to the rehearsal. First it rocks on the bow of the viol and seems to be completely infatuated with the multitude of flutes. Then it even begins to speak... all the while behaving more and more like a human. What could this all mean?
Jeannette Luft, puppetry
Ensemble La Ninfea
Barbara Heindlmeier, recorder
Christian Heim, viol & recorder
Philip Stemann, director
Judith Mähler, puppet design
Dorit Schleissing, text
Kokopelli – Trailer
La Ninfea's adventures with the cheeky, flute-crazy bird
with the endearingly cheeky star of the production

Kokopelli - A strange bird
With “Kokopelli - A Strange Bird”, La Ninfea is launching a series of musical-theatrical projects dealing with the Kokopelli myth of the Anasazi: Kokopelli, the wanderer, is a fertility deity of the Anasazi who is over 1000 years old and still has influence in the mythology of the Pueblo Indians today. Carrying a sack full of songs on his back, he wanders through the land with his flute, ensuring healthy herds, rich harvests - and offspring in the villages. The series revolves around the legendary world of this flute creature in new formats, from different perspectives and for different age groups.
The Bremen baroque ensemble La Ninfea has long seen itself as a musical storyteller. With “Kokopelli - a strange bird”, La Ninfea can now also be experienced on stage in a new format, musical puppet theater: Philip Stemann's production blurs the traditional boundaries between children's concert, musical theater and puppet theater. The musicians Barbara Heindlmeier and Christian Heim are integrated into the production and experience this little adventure together with the puppeteer Jeannette Luft. The music is an integral part of the plot and forms a direct link with the action on stage.