
Danzas – from Taboo to Triumph

COMing Soon: DANZAS – from Taboo to Triumph

Release 13.9.24 (CD/Streaming/Download)

Release LP: end of 2024

Single Releases:


26.7.24  Violatango (Paolo Pandolfo, arr. La Ninfea)

16.8.24  Folias criollas  (Trad. 16./17. Jahrhundert) improvisiert)

30.8.24 La Cumparsita (Gerardo Hernán Matos „Becho" Rodríguez)


13.9.24 Album: DANZAS


Video Releases:

24.4.24 Trailer

26.7.24 Violatango

9.8.24 Folia di Spagna

23.8.24 Collage "Lockriollo)

Gentleman for A Day

Barbara Heindlmeier (recorder) & Ensemble La Ninfea

When thinking of a true London gentleman, the first thing that comes to mind are top hats and courteous behaviour, elegance and elevated status. Recorder, too? But of course! Well, the fine gentleman didn’t (yet) have a top hat around 1700, but of course it was excellent manners to have a recorder in your pocket for you to, for example, serenade the lady you adored at any given moment - a welcome occasion for Barbara Heindlmeier and her colleagues to be “Gentleman for a Day”. Everything is included: from getting up in the morning to going for a walk, visiting the royal court and going to the opera, to the obligatory five o’clock
tea and preparing for the said serenade.


Music is the Cure!

or La Ninfea's Musical Medicine Chest

A concert that explores the darkest depths of musical healing and the brightest brilliance of the praise of recovery, featuring works from Marais to Purcell. Originating from a birthday program for a pharmacist, the program, which was also released on CD in March 2020, brings together pieces revolving around illness, recovery, and remedies: barley oil, sundew, cures for spider bites, or a musical gallstone operation find their way to the stage through compositions by Purcell, Kircher, Lully, Charpentier, and Marais.


„La Ninfea’s musical medicine chest offers not only unusual works from music history, unconventional arrangements, improvisations, and instruments, but is also a BALM FOR THE SOUL in these times.“

(WDR Tonart)


„A magnificent program, highly entertaining, and exquisitely presented. So, if you are currently in quarantine, you should by no means miss consulting La Ninfea’s musical home pharmacy. The musicians immediately cure boredom. A must-listen.!“ (Ouvertüre)


„In short: a fantastic CD that you must have! [...] I have rarely heard the recorder played so elegantly and tastefully..“ (Windkanal)



Recommended by


Video Music is the Cure!


The story behind the concept: Video Blog   „Music is the Cure!“

a.h.schultzen recorder sonatas

A.H. Schultzen Recorder Sonatas & Anonymous Viola da Gamba Sonatas

A sensation in the recorder world: the first recording of the newly rediscovered sonatas.

“Highly recommended!!“



“The six pieces, each more captivating and challenging than the next, are played by Barbara Heindlmeier with admirable ease and musical joy. This is how music should be made: as if the ink is not yet dry, spontaneous and fresh, yet with meticulous research beforehand.“

(Ö1 bis zwei)


“La Ninfea, based in Bremen, Germany, is an extremely expressive group of musicians. Barbara Heindlmeier has a lovely sound and extraordinary articulation which she uses to meet the considerable demands of this music. Her ornamentation is marvelous […] She and the viola da gambists [Marthe Perl, Christian Heim] play their solo parts with whimsy and taste, and the continuo playing is solid, yet light and flowing.”

(Expedition Audio)


“This type of virtuosity is not effortless but requires great skill. […] Barbara Heindlmeier articulates this Presto clearly and sharply, almost as if she is speaking through the recorder. In the slow movements, she weaves brilliant embellishments around the elegant melodic lines. […] So much musical richness in six short sonatas – the music of Andreas Heinrich Schultzen is extremely attractive for the recorder.

That Barbara Heindlmeier and the ensemble Ninfea bring it back to life with this successful recording is a stroke of luck..“

(WDR 3 TonArt)


“The music possesses beauty and expression. In a short sonata (G minor), for example, various moods are traversed within the narrow span of just seven minutes: melancholy (Adagio), defiant self-assertion (Allegro), and calm confidence (Largo), until the listener is returned to everyday life with a robust finale (Vivace). The interpretations, despite their flashes of virtuosity, are more poetic than exalted.“

(Image Hifi)


Recommended by:


Playlist with sound samples



Le masque de Fer

„Diese Musik führt uns weit weg vom hektischen Puls und dem Dauerlärm unserer Zeit – hinein ins Verließ, in dem der Mann mit der eisernen Maske im 17. Jahrhundert diese Klänge vielleicht gehört hat. […] Wenn man nicht gerade zu den Spezialisten für französische Barockmusik gehört, sind fast alle Stücke des Programms eine Entdeckung. Und zwar eine

sehr lohnende.“

(NDR Kultur CD Neuheiten)


„Dies ist nicht nur eine abwechslungsreiche, sehr schön zusammengestellte und gespielte CD, mit ihr formuliert das Ensemble La Ninfea auch ein politisches Anliegen.“

(Klassik Newsletter)


„So akribisch sie bei der Suche nach verkannten Komponisten und der Rekonstruktion historischen Notenmaterials sind, so groß sind Spielfreude und Lebendigkeit ihrer Interpretationen. Wer also neben den bekannten Gambengöttern wie Marin Marais und Sainte-Colombe auch unbekannte Meister wie Monsieur Le Moyne oder Monsieur Toinon kennenlernen möchte oder sich für den historisch begründeten Soundtrack zur berühmten, vielfach verfilmten Eisernen Maske interessiert, der wird mit diesem Album glücklich.“

(Ö1 bis zwei)


Empfohlen von:






Sono amante

Kantaten & Kammermusik der Brüder Bononcini

„...traumwandlerische Stilsicherheit verbindet sich ideal mit gestalterischem Engagement. Kurzum: eine sensationelle CD!”

(Klassik heute)


“...this is one of the best discs I have heard recently. The performances of this repertoire are pretty much ideal. Moreover, the choice of repertoire deserves much praise.”

(Musica dei donum)


„Dass er [Antonio Maria Bononcini] ein ausdrucksstarker Komponist war, stellen die von Ulrike Hofbauer und dem Ensemble Ninfea aufgenommenen Werke deutlich unter Beweis. […] Diese CD ist in jeder Hinsicht gelungen und bietet ein fesselndes Porträt zweier begabter Komponisten.“
